2024 Auditions
Registration opens November 1
The CoOPERAtive Program uses a YAP Tracker application. You do not need to be a paid subscriber to YAP Tracker to use this application form. Need Help? Access the YAP Tracker Tutorial. You may also apply through the NATS National Summer Program Auditions. The NATS portal will close on 12/31/2023.
Audition Requirements
For CoOPERAtive Young Artists
- 3 videos of contrasting language and style. 1 art song, 1 aria, and a 3rd selection of your choice
For CoOPERAtive Collaborative Pianists
- 3 Selections (video format). 1 Mozart aria with recitative, 1 Bel canto aria 1 American aria. It is requested that at least one of the submissions include the pianist singing.
If you have any questions about your application, please email [email protected].