CoOPERAtive 2024
June 30 – July 19, 2024
Check in and Opening Master Class: June 30, 2024
Final Concert: July 19, 2024
We look forward to receiving your applications beginning on November 1, 2023 for CoOPERAtive 2024. You may apply through YAP Tracker or NATS National Summer Program Auditions. The NATS portal will close on 12/31/2023. YAP Tracker will close on 2/14/2024.
About the program
The CoOPERAtive program provides three weeks of intensive training for the young singer and pianist. The program is presented in cooperation and consultation with professionals in the field to help young singers and pianists build and strengthen their artistic toolbox. We will help build upon existing skill sets, offer new tools for artistic expressivity and help the young singer and pianist find their focus in how to learn.
Crucial to the success of the singer is working in consultation with the singer’s teacher, who will be called upon to help customize the program specifically for their singers. CoOPERAtive will assess the strengths of all participants, nurture their talents and assist in the skill development.
Participants receive private voice lessons, music, language and drama coaching, as well as classes in body work, diction, and drama. Diction classes and language coaching may be held over Zoom. Our focus is on musical style, performance technique, dramatic presentation, language, diction, and body awareness. Selected participants may serve as mentors to the concurrent summer programs at Westminster Choir College of Rider University.
Susan Shiplett Ashbaker, Director
The CoOPERAtive Experience
CoOPERAtive Young Artists – CoOPERAtive Young Artists are predominantly undergraduate voice majors and graduate voice students. Coaching and performance of operatic arias, scenes, and art songs is a major part of the Young Artist experience.
CoOPERAtive Pianist Interns – Pianists interested in exploring the many facets of operatic/vocal accompanying and coaching will receive a variety of experiences. There is the possibility of paid intern positions as well as pianists who wish to register for the program with a reduced tuition.
All participants will take part in:
- Operatic arias and scenes and art song coaching
- Voice lessons
- Language coaching
- Dramatic coaching
- Body work, such as body awareness, yoga, or other activities
- Stage Craft, including Stage Combat, How to Fall, Consent, and Extreme emotions
- Five public concerts
- Opportunity to participate in master classes
- Mentorship opportunities to selected participants
- Conversations with established professionals in the field
Individualized Instruction
Each week master teachers present classes and private sessions. In addition, singers have the opportunity for private sessions with voice teachers, stage directors, conductors, and language coaches.
A typical day in the CoOPERAtive Program:
- 9:00 - 10:00 Body Work and Stage Craft
- 10:30 - 11:30 Diction Classes (online instruction)
- 11:30 - 12:30 Language Work, Lessons
- 12:30 - 1:30 Lunch
- 1:30 - 6:00 Drama, Music, Language
- 6:00 - 7:30 Dinner
- 7:30 - 9:00 Evening Activity (Master Class, Conversations with established professionals in the field, Recitals)
- Each week will feature discussions on various audition and business aspects of the profession.
- There is no instruction over the weekends so that the participants have plenty of time to study, practice, rest, and socialize.
"We always take notice of an applicant with CoOPERAtive on their resume - it's a sign not only of talent but also that they have worked with some of the best in the business and they always have something to say as artists"
Laura Canning
Former Director at Houston Grand Opera
"Knowing many of the teachers who work for the CoOPERAtive, I know that the participants will be getting information from some of the best trainers in the business. This isn't a recreational program...this is the real deal, where students will work hard and grow toward their goal, under the guidance of professionals who care."
Sheri Greenawald
San Francisco Opera Merola Program