Thursday, Aug 26, 2010
New and returning students are invited to check out the many extracurricular opportunities available on the Lawrenceville campus during Student Government Association (SGA) Awareness Day.
by Meaghan Haugh
New and returning students are invited to check out the many extracurricular opportunities available on the Lawrenceville campus during Student Government Association (SGA) Awareness Day. More than 75 campus clubs and organizations will set shop on the Campus Mall on Thursday, September 16, to promote their groups to interested students.
“SGA Awareness Day is one of the cornerstone events of the Community Connections efforts of Campus Life. Awareness Day is one of the primary ways to connect students to the many organization opportunities across campus,” explained David Keenan, director of Campus Life and Recreation Programs. “The event looks to expose these groups to first year and transfer students — although, all students are encouraged to attend the event.”
Rider clubs and organization offer students social and service opportunities, academic collaboration, professional connection, leadership development and spiritual growth.
The event’s rain location will be held inside the Student Recreation Courts. For more information, please contact the Office of Campus Life at 609-896-5327, or e-mail David Keenan at [email protected].