Thursday, Dec 3, 2015
Creative Marketing Alliance regularly recruits and selects Rider students as interns
by Vikki Hurley-Schubert
At Creative Marketing Alliance (CMA), interns become a valuable member of the team, working closely with account teams to gain hands-on experience and a deep understanding of how the business’ day-to-day operations are run.
“During my time at CMA, I learned a lot of things about marketing that a classroom simply cannot teach you,” says Maxwell Daley ’17 who recently participated in the Rider Shadow Program under Erin Klebaur ’04, alumna and director of marketing services at CMA. “Learning more about one of my favorite things in marketing, a company analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (S.W.O.T.), has changed my perspective on marketing as a whole. , I learned firsthand how to analyze one of CMA’s clients and this step has brought the whole marketing world into my hands.”
Daley worked with one of CMA’s clients contributing new marketing ideas for the company’s upcoming year.
“The process was enjoyable, because I was able to find out something I really like about marketing,” Daley says. “I enjoyed researching where and how to promote and advertise this particular business. Working there gave me the confidence to think outside the box and expanded my strategic thinking.”
Interning in the finance department has given accounting major Avery Martini ’17 a chance to learn from Controller Joanne Trautwein ’86.
“The hands-on work I have done in Excel, Workamajig and QuickBooks, taught how to use and apply my knowledge, and gave me a better understanding of the accounting aspect,” he adds. “For instance, some of the phrases and techniques learned in my college classes were just words I memorized. I now have a better understanding of what they mean, and more importantly, why they are used.”
Throughout the summer of 2015, Sandra Penas Mur ’14, who enrolled in Rider University’s MBA program after receiving her bachelor’s in finance and international business from Rider, has been working with the North American Association of Commencement Officers (NAACO) and the Third Party Marketers Association (3PM).
“Working at CMA has given me the exposure I was looking for,” says Mur, who is from Barcelona, Spain. “For instance, I’ve been able to observe board meetings with NAACO and see how decisions are made. My responsibilities included researching potential new members for NAACO and 3PM, as well as potential sponsors for the organizations. In addition, as NAACO is trying to gain presence in North America, I was responsible for making outbound calls to universities in Mexico. It was very interesting to see how universities in other countries are structured differently.”
“Being multilingual is a must when working with international associations, and since Sandra speaks Spanish, we asked her to make contacts in Puerto Rico and Mexico that we are now following up with,” adds Gabrielle Copperwheat, director of operations at CMA. “She had exposure to what really drives associations and learned the foundations of association best practices and governance.”
Mur attended board meetings, worked with member management systems, prepared materials for meetings and worked with committee reports and financial documents.
“I was able to apply the research skills learned in the classroom, and the projects I have been working on have been valuable in helping me understand the business world more,” she says. “I decided to major in finance after I took my first finance course at Rider. I realized then that finance takes a huge role in every company and that being knowledgeable in the subject would make me a valuable asset.”
CMA’s CEO and President Jeff Barnhart ’77 has been recognized by Rider University’s Communications Honor Society, Lambda Pi Eta, with its prestigious Alumni Achievement Award and has been singled out as a “Notable Alumni” doing business in the Central Jersey region.
“I enjoyed working closely with Rider alumni,” says Daley. “It was very nice to see them wanting to give back to the university and mentor a student in her field of study. It is also good to see a Rider degree being put to use and to realize there is potential for me finding a good job when I graduate.”
As part of Barnhart’s mission to give back to his alma mater, CMA regularly recruits and selects students from Rider to participate in CMA’s rigorous internship program. “Offering college students the opportunity to work and participate will give them hands-on business and marketing experience that will hopefully give them a leg up when they graduate,” Barnhart says. “Internships are a way to nurture the business leaders of tomorrow.”
CMA is seeking interns. For more information, visit