Tuesday, Oct 20, 2015
Rider community competes and has fun in recreation programs
by Karly Munoz '17
Among the talented Division I athletes at Rider University, there are those students who also enjoy the thrill of sports, but at a less competitive level. The Intramural Sport programs allow students to compete at a recreational level while still having fun. Rider University sophomore, Will Harmonay '18, says he "likes the fact that there is a less competitive option for students who want to get involved in sports" and plays dodgeball and volleyball with his fraternity brothers.
Intramural Sports are a great way to get exercise, hang out with friends, and even learn how to play a new sport. Anyone can form a team for a student group, organization, residence hall or office on campus. An individual can also join as a free agent and will be added to teams once registration closes.
With two seasons per semester, the first fall season offered indoor soccer, flag football and sand volleyball. Students who couldn't join often showed up to cheer on their friends as they competed for championship titles in all three sports.
Friday Night Lights turned out to be one of the most popular sports for crowd support. In this sport, students play flag football on the turf field among their friends and peers. This year's Friday Night Lights included a Powder Puff game, an all-star game and a game between Tau Kappa Epsilon and Sigma Phi Epsilon, the two fraternities on campus. Recreation Programs provided free food and prizes to students in the crowd.
Students who missed the first season can still sign up for the second season, which offers indoor volleyball, basketball and dodge ball. Registration for the second fall season will begin on Nov. 2. Students who are interested in playing should check their email as well as with the Student Recreation Center for more information leading up to registration.
While the spring semester seasons are still being decided, handball, basketball, a lawn sports league, softball, floor hockey and flag football are tentatively on the schedule for next semester. Mike Silverman, the graduate assistant for Recreation Programs, says that some sports are offered more than once a year "to ensure student happiness by having those sports offered both semesters."
This year, Rider has implemented a new website to manage intramural sports and registration, called Sportifik. Students are encouraged to create a profile on Sportifik in order to stay up to date on news regarding the Intramural Program here are Rider, as well as team schedules. Go here to create your own profile: https://www.sportifik.com/rider.
The Recreation Programs office is also looking to include other intramural sports and is attempting to gather possible interest in inner tube water polo, ultimate Frisbee and kickball.
Interested in learning more about Intramural Sports? Visit www.rider.edu/student-life/recreational-sports/intramural-sports or email the Recreation Programs Office at [email protected].