Monday, Sep 28, 2009
Dr. Sylvia Bulgar, professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Teacher Education, was invited by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to travel to Washington, D.C., in order to serve on the National Selection Committee, which will select the recipients of the Presidential Awards for Excellence in the Mathematics and Science Teaching.
The NSF convenes a national selection committee composed of prominent mathematicians, scientists, mathematics and science educators, and past awardees to review the application packets of the state finalists and recommend to NSF a finalist in each category. The director then submits to the president of the United States a single finalist in each category – mathematics or science – for each state or jurisdiction.
Dr. Jia Shen, assistant professor of Computer Information Systems, and Dr. Lauren Eder, chair of the Department of Computer Information Systems, recently co-authored and published one journal paper and one conference paper. Shen and Eder combined to write Exploring Intentions to Use Virtual Worlds for Business, which was published in the Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 10, No. 2, in May 2009. The Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, a top-tier, peer-reviewed international chronicle, accepts less than 20 percent of submitted works.
Shen and Eder also presented their jointly authored paper, Determining Factors in the Acceptance of Social Shopping Websites, at the Americas Conference on Information Systems in August 2009 in San Francisco.
Dr. Chrystina Dolyniuk, associate professor of Psychology, delivered two presentations at the 117th annual convention of the American Psychological Association in August 2009 in Toronto. Dolyniuk was invited to participate in a symposium that examined services and treatments for children with developmental disabilities and mental health issues, and also presented a paper with co-author Rachael Parkins, a junior Psychology major and Mathematics minor in Rider’s Honors Baccalaureate Program. Dolyniuk and Parkins’ research examines college students’ attitudes towards peers with disabilities.