Tuesday, Jul 10, 2012
Local school teachers have the chance to collaborate and enhance their knowledge of science and math through two professional development programs held in a partnership between Rider University and Princeton University.
by Meaghan Haugh
This summer, local K-12 teachers have the chance to collaborate and enhance their knowledge of science and math through two professional development programs held in a partnership between Rider University and Princeton University.
The 2012 CONNECT-ED Summer Institute kicked off on July 9 and will continue through July 13 at Rider University. Meanwhile, the QUEST program will be held from July 16 through 20 at Princeton University.
The theme of this year’s CONNECT-ED Summer Institute is A Journey Through Space and Time and will feature lead scientist Dr. Wil vander Veen of Raritan Valley Community College and lead teacher Theresa Maone of West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District. Each day, teams of elementary, middle, and high school teachers will present Big Idea Modules (BIMs) related to the topic, including “Exploring Motion,” “Making Sense of Data,” and “Properties of Objects in the Solar System.”
Each BIM connects science or math concepts as they develop through the elementary, middle and high school levels. Thus, as the draft of the Next Generation Science Standards recommends, teachers have the opportunity to discover concept connections that will help their students make sense of the science, and they learn what comes before and after their own grade level so they can build on their students prior knowledge and prepare them for more advanced learning later.
All CONNECT-ED sessions will take place in Rider’s Bristol-Myers Squibb Center for Science Teaching & Learning, Room 317, in the Science and Technology Center.
Participating schools and districts include Hillsborough Township Public Schools, Teacher Preparation, West Windsor Plainsboro Regional School District, Princeton Regional Schools, Lawrence Township Public Schools, Essex County, City of Burlington Public Schools, Diocese of Trenton, Millburn Township Public Schools, Hopewell Valley Regional School District and Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School.