Monday, Jun 15, 2015
Google Drive and other Google Apps for Education tools launched today, June 15, 2015, for all Rider students, faculty and staff.
What Is Google Drive?
Google Drive is a secure, cloud‐based, file storage and collaboration service provided by Google under this special Google Apps for Education contract.
Google Docs is built into Google Drive and includes five different applications: Documents, Presentations, Spreadsheets, Forms and Drawings. For more information, see Google's Google Drive Overview page.
Use of Rider University’s Google Drive has several benefits:
- Unlimited free storage space
- Access your files anywhere — on the web, computer, or mobile device
- Secure and easy file sharing and collaboration. You can share just the one specific document or file with someone, or set up a folder in Google Drive so that specific people have access to an entire folder.
- Built-in sync capability ensures that your files, folders and Google Docs are the same on all your devices
- Powerful search capability
- Google Drive links can replace sharing files as email attachments by providing access to the same file
When Will Training Be Available?
Online training including how to access and use Google Drive is available now using To access the online training, login to using your Rider email address and enter the course name in the search box. We recommend Google Drive Essential Training and Google Docs Essential Training.
In-person training sessions will be offered starting late summer through the end of the calendar year. A training schedule, including details on how to sign up, will be communicated in August.
What Is Appropriate To Store On Google Drive?
If you choose to use Rider University’s Google Drive, you are personally responsible for setting up Google Drive file security correctly and complying the University’s Information Security Policy.
If you have further questions or need help accessing, please contact the OIT Help Desk at 609-219-3000 or email [email protected].