Thursday, Feb 4, 2016
Register by Feb. 11
The Feb. 11 deadline to register for the upcoming Second Friday Teaching Talks is approaching.
Topic: Building Relationships with Students to Support Academic SuccessDate: Friday, Feb. 12, 12:30 to 2 p.m.Location: 310-311 Teaching and Learning Center, Science Building, Lawrenceville
Faculty panels: Julie Drawbridge (Biology), Shawn P. Kildea (Communication and Journalism) and Kelly Noonan (Economics) Research has shown that instructor-student rapport is important for class attendance, student attention, student effort and student interest in the course material. How do you develop positive relationships with your students? Do you feel it is difficult, or that students don't appreciate your effort to deliver course material? Please join the Rider University Teaching & Learning Center for a discussion of strategies that can help you build positive relationships with your students in support of their academic success. Please join the Second Friday Teaching Talks for collegial conversations, scheduled once a month, allow faculty to gather in a space and for a specific time in their schedule to talk to each other about teaching at Rider. The Second Friday Teaching Talks will include a pizza lunch. Please RSVP to Annie Hoyt at [email protected] by Feb. 11.